Online Privacy and Security

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Why Privacy Matters

"Privacy? I don't have anything to hide". We've all heard that many times... How do we answer that? Glenn Greenwald said it best in his TED Talk "Why privacy matters" :

Over the last 16 months, as I've debated this issue around the world, every single time somebody has said to me, "I don't really worry about invasions of privacy because I don't have anything to hide." I always say the same thing to them. I get out a pen, I write down my email address. I say, "Here's my email address. What I want you to do when you get home is email me the passwords to all of your email accounts, not just the nice, respectable work one in your name, but all of them, because I want to be able to just troll through what it is you're doing online, read what I want to read and publish whatever I find interesting. After all, if you're not a bad person, if you're doing nothing wrong, you should have nothing to hide." Not a single person has taken me up on that offer.

While Facebook's CEO (Zuckerberg) claims that privacy is no longer a social norm, that didn't stop him from buying four houses around his house to protect his privacy...

Why does privacy matter? The famous cryptographer Bruce Schneier explains it brilliantly :

Too many wrongly characterize the debate as "security versus privacy." The real choice is liberty versus control. Tyranny, whether it arises under threat of foreign physical attack or under constant domestic authoritative scrutiny, is still tyranny. Liberty requires security without intrusion, security plus privacy. Widespread police surveillance is the very definition of a police state. And that's why we should champion privacy even when we have nothing to hide.


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